Calmer & Karma


Interesting things happen when I am carrying out my work for others. Usually I am overlooked, forgotten about and left to my own devices – which suits me fine – I do a great job and thus the clients with whom I work do not need to be checking on me all the time or overseeing my work. They rely on me purely to do what is needed, get the results and know that I will always check before doing something I am unsure about.

So I am the perfect consultant in that respect. I can negotiate with and relate to others without needing much input from senior personnel, leaving them to get on with the other pressing work on their agendas.I also discover a lot and absorb the information, often storing it away for later use.

As the sign of Pisces depicts two fish swimming in different directions, people often think we are directionless and can never make a decision. However, I find that is offers me the ability to see situations from both points of view and I am therefore good at keeping balance, calm and weighing up or negotiating. On occasion I turn up some worms though and unknowingly can rub salt into other peoples rather raw wounds – wounds that often they are trying to conceal from others as well as themselves!

When I have to make a point or bring a matter to others attention I often find that I am not considered as a helpful addition to these people. Rather I can be labelled a witch (true) an arrogant (not true) do-gooder (true) and a snake in the grass whose “scales” should be avoided (“weigh” that one up for yourselves!)

In my youth, and in  my personal life, there were times when I would jump into things and not consider consequences, when I would jump to conclusions too readily. Thus, often people felt  threatened by me and would avoid too much interaction. This has never concerned me as it shows your true friends.

When it comes to work and how I handle things, I have always been the diplomatic negotiator. In fact I have often just shut up and kept quiet (although I have usually spoken out against an injustice).

In this way, I have had some of my creative and business ideas stolen and credited to others but this has not really disturbed me to any major extent although it has often been galling. I have remained calm about this for the greater good of the business. Not wishing to blow my own trumpet I have always given credit where credit was due, and worked as a team player, even when managing and directing others. I see no harm in that, as it enables and empowers others. The only detriment may have been to me but I was never one for the limelight EXCEPT on the stage or in private.

I have even seen the way people have handled things in an incorrect fashion and have tried to handle and repair the situation in a calm quiet manner, without making a fuss. Never one to shirk a duty, in addition, I have also always been prepared to accept culpability and be accountable for all I do.

However, sadly this is still not so with others it would seem. And in the case of those who lay the blame elsewhere I find it is usually the person pointing the finger who is in the wrong. Even then I will not rebel by screaming and shouting and fighting back to give others the satisfaction of seeing me riled by these actions . I am not down at their level, and I will never lower myself so far, preferring to remain calm in all things.

I will never tolerate blatant lying, cheating, thieving or conniving people who refuse to be accountable for their actions, who think that they can get away with anything and who deal with others in any despicable way.

Hating unjustness as I do, nevertheless I do not see the need to rush to bite back, preferring to wait until the time is right and the wrong-doers undo themselves.

Then they will discover my true nature perhaps. Am I not the friendly, helpful (and possibly ignorant?) person they took me for?

My integrity and my patience and calmer approach know no bounds but one should NEVER underestimate me – for then you will be surprised for there is always KARMA

As Katy Perry would sing:

“I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire
Cause I am a champion and you’re gonna hear me ROAR
Louder, louder than a lion
Cause I am a champion and you’re gonna hear me ROAR –

 I am Lion watch me roar”

lion roar

About travell1ngthroughl1fe

I am a fun-loving person who goes with the flow and travels through life most of the time though sometimes I have to be responsible when others try to get me on their track! Most of the time though people tell me I am barking mad! hahahaha! Life is short but oh so sweet so I believe in looking out for the bright side of life and I can always find a positive in everything! Half-empty glasses are not for me. Negativity is an ill I want to cure in everyone. Only after you heal your own soul can you help to really heal the world. So when you need help, ask for it and where it is offered, gratefully accept it as a gift.
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